Due to the Phoenix typhoon, The Red House is closed due to government regulations on monumental buildings. The Farewell Milonga and After Party II are MERGED INTO ONE MILONGA and will BOTH TAKE PLACE AT TANGUISIMO from 9 pm to 6 am.
Partial refund NT500 for your Farewell Milonga ticket
Full refund for your After Party II ticket
Full refund for your Farewell Milonga ticket
Full refund for your After Party II ticket
e) You can refund within 10 days at Tanguisimo, starting since 9 pm tonight.
NT950 per person
NT400 per person after 2 am
Thank you for your understanding and support!
Daniel y Anna
惜別舞會及 After Party II 價格調整
由於鳳凰颱風的影響,西門紅樓基於古蹟規定已閉館。惜別舞會及 After Party II 將合併為一場舞會,在 Tanguisimo 舉行,時間是 9 pm 到 6 am。
惜別舞會票券部份退費每張 NT500
After Party II 票券全額退費
After Party II 票券全額退費
e) 即日起十天內可在 Tanguisimo 辦理退費,退費時間自今晚九點起。
NT950 每張
NT400 每張(凌晨 2:00 之後)
Daniel y Anna
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Home -- 首頁
Welcome to the official site of the 2014 XII Taipei Tango Festival. This year we are keeping the intimate feeling we built up last year by inviting three couples of outstanding maestros that have been wonderful contributors for this festival. Also coming back to big acclaim is Argentinean DJ Analía "La Rubia" Del Giglio. We will have live orchestras both Friday and Saturday nights at GIS MOTC Convention Center, with the first "orquesta típica" in Taiwan's history to play Saturday night with band leader Ruei-Ran Wu flying back from Vienna and world renowned guest musician Aida Momoko coming from Japan. For the Farewell Milonga on Sunday we are going to dance at the historical Red House of Taipei with the theme being 1930s. We are preparing a nice surprise for the night... something related to the 1930s... 24 workshops will take place from Thursday 18th to Sunday 21st of September, and there will be 2 DJ seminars on Sunday afternoon by La Rubia. We are really excited to meet all of you in Taipei for the 12th year of our beloved Taipei Tango Festival!
With love,
Daniel y Anna and the Festival Team
歡迎蒞臨 2014 第十二屆台北國際探戈節官方網站。今年延續去年所建立的親密感覺邀請三對常年來對於本探戈節有卓著貢獻的阿根廷大師前來表演及教學。同時再度邀請去年極受好評的阿根廷 DJ Analía "La Rubia" Del Giglio。今年的週五及週六場次均安排有探戈樂團現場演奏在集思交通部國際會議中心,其中週六的樂團將是台灣史上第一個 orquesta típica 的編制,由維也納回台的吳睿然帶領,同時很榮幸地邀請到極具知名度的日本小提琴家会田桃子擔任客座首席小提琴。週日的惜別舞會將在歷史性建築西門紅樓舉行,此次主題為一九三〇年代。我們正在準備一項跟一九三〇年代有關的驚喜在這個晚上... 今年有 24 堂團體課程分佈在 9/18(四)到 9/21(日),另外安排兩堂 La Rubia 的 DJ 工作坊在 9/21(日)。很期待與大家在台北相會,一同參與台北國際探戈節的第十二個年頭!
Daniel y Anna 及台北國際探戈節工作團隊 敬邀
With love,
Daniel y Anna and the Festival Team
歡迎蒞臨 2014 第十二屆台北國際探戈節官方網站。今年延續去年所建立的親密感覺邀請三對常年來對於本探戈節有卓著貢獻的阿根廷大師前來表演及教學。同時再度邀請去年極受好評的阿根廷 DJ Analía "La Rubia" Del Giglio。今年的週五及週六場次均安排有探戈樂團現場演奏在集思交通部國際會議中心,其中週六的樂團將是台灣史上第一個 orquesta típica 的編制,由維也納回台的吳睿然帶領,同時很榮幸地邀請到極具知名度的日本小提琴家会田桃子擔任客座首席小提琴。週日的惜別舞會將在歷史性建築西門紅樓舉行,此次主題為一九三〇年代。我們正在準備一項跟一九三〇年代有關的驚喜在這個晚上... 今年有 24 堂團體課程分佈在 9/18(四)到 9/21(日),另外安排兩堂 La Rubia 的 DJ 工作坊在 9/21(日)。很期待與大家在台北相會,一同參與台北國際探戈節的第十二個年頭!
Daniel y Anna 及台北國際探戈節工作團隊 敬邀
Masters and Dancers -- 大師及舞者
Javier Rodríguez y Noelia Barsi (Argentina)
Javier Rodríguez is one of the “founding masters” of the Taipei Tango Festival, participating in ten of the previous eleven editions of this event. He has teached many of the people who would become excellent dancers and organizers in Asia. Javier faithfully transmits tango culture and focuses on the conservation of codes and etiquette, making a great impact in the tango scene in Eastern Asia.
Javier Rodríguez 是台北國際探戈節「創節元老」級的大師,前十ㄧ屆出席十屆,與台北淵源極深。許多傑出的亞洲探戈舞者及活動主辦者曾在歷屆台北國際探戈節向他學習。他對於探戈文化、傳統禮儀之維繫、音樂播放之選擇等等著墨甚深,忠實而全面地傳遞探戈文化的火炬,對於阿根廷探戈在亞洲有著深遠的影響。
Rubén y Sabrina Véliz (Argentina)
Masters, choreographers and dancers with great essence and creativity. Producers of the show Radio Latina, touring China in 2008. In July of 2006 within the Soccer World Cup they are featured in a TV Ad for Solo Tango Channel and make a TV Special together with the Sexteto Canyengue in Holland. In april of 2006 they present their show Radio-grafías in LA VIRUTA in Buenos Aires. On April 30, 2005 they made an appearance during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Queen Beatrix of Holland reign, performing Gallo Ciego (a choreography especially created for this occasion ) with live music from the Canyengue sextet directed by Karel Craayenhof. This event was part of a special TV show (viewed by 3.500.000 people) in the presence of Queen Beatrix, prince Alexander and Princess Máxima and the royal family. In June of 2000 they opened their show “Tangos Corazónicos” at the Santa María (Buenos Aires) theatre, as choreographers and directors.
Rubén y Sabrina 是充滿創意與韻味的探戈大師、編舞家與舞者。探戈秀 ”Radio Latina” 製作人,2008 年巡迴於中國六大城市。2006 年 7 月搭配世界盃足球賽參與由 Solo Tango 電視台製作的特別節目,與 Sexteto Canyengue 搭配演出。2006 年 4 月在阿根廷 La Viruta 發表創意十足的新秀 Radio-grafías。2005 年 4 月 30 日於荷蘭女王 Queen Beatrix 在位 25 年慶祝大會中演出經典探戈曲目 ”Gallo Ciego”。該項演出有多位荷蘭皇家成員蒞臨觀賞,節目播出估計有 350 萬人收看。2000 年 6 月在布宜諾斯艾利斯的 Santa María Theatre 首演其新秀 ”Tangos Corazónicos”。
Sebastián Achaval y Roxana Suárez (Argentina)
“We define ourselves as dance-floor dancers because our dance is intimate and authentic, representing the tango experienced in Buenos Aires milongas in which feeling is the predominant dimension. It is a very personal style that combines a close but warm and comfortable embrace with the subtleness of figures and quality movements. We add to that the musical performance and the elegance that identify us in our walk. In each show –either on a dance floor or a stage– we underline the essence and tradition of tango in its golden times, with a young and actual view.” - by Roxana & Sebastián
Carlos Boeri y Alison Murray (Argentina)
In 2014 Carlos and Alison won First Place in the City of Buenos Aires Tango Championship, Senior Category. For receiving the highest score of all the categories of the competition, they also won the Special Prize "Buenos Aires dances in Taiwan". Carlos Boeri was born in Salliquelo, in the province of Buenos Aires. He studied Law at the University of La Plata and there he took his first tang classes in the 1980's. in 2000 he reinitiated his study of tango in the city of Buenos Aires. Alison Murray was born in Nova Scotia, Canada. At the age of 15 she moved to England where she studied dance, theatre, and cinema. In 2004 she took her first tango classes and in 2005 she went to Buenos Aires to study tango more deeply. In Buenos Aires she met her dance partner and husband, and father of their two children, Carlos Boeri. Carlos and Ailison have participated in El Congreso Tango Argentino Festival in Toronto 2009, Victoria International Tango Festival, Quebec Tango Festival. In 2014 they will also perform in the Rio de Janiero Tango Festival, and the Havana Tango Festival. They featured in a CBC television documentary on Dance in Toronto, and a French documentary on dance in South America. They have performed at important Buenos Aires milongas - Club Sunderland, Milonga 10, La Baldosa, Fruto Dulce, Salon Canning, Confiteria Ideal. Carlos and Alison have taught extensively in Buenos Aires including El Torquato Tasso, La Casa Bicentenario, Aires Tangueros, Luna Llena, as well as in Brussels, Montreal, Toronto. Carlos and Alison are mentored by Carlos Perez and Rosa Forte of Escuela Tango Sunderland Club ( Villa Urquiza, Buenos Aires ) .
Carlos and Alison 甫榮獲 2014 布宜諾斯艾利斯城市盃探戈大賽長青組冠軍,並以其最高之總分獲頒「布宜諾斯艾利斯舞於台灣」之獎項,於九月來台進行文化交流。Carlos Boeri 生於 Buenos Aires 省之 Salliquelo。他就讀於 La Plata 大學法律系,於 1980 年上了第一堂探戈課。2000 年在 Buenos Aires 重新學習探戈舞蹈。Alison Murray 生於加拿大 Nova Scotia。15 歲移居英國學習舞蹈、戲劇及電影。2004 年首度接觸探戈課程,2005 年赴阿根廷深研探戈。在布宜諾斯艾利斯他遇見了未來的舞伴及丈夫並育有兩名子女。Carlos and Alison 曾參加 2009 多倫多探戈節,維多利亞國際探戈節以及魁北克探戈節。2014 年他們受邀到里約熱內盧探戈節以及哈瓦那探戈節表演。他們曾出現於 CBC 在多倫多關於舞蹈紀錄片以及法國關於南美洲舞蹈的紀錄片當中。他們曾於布宜諾斯艾利斯重要的舞會當中表演,包含 Club Sunderland,Milonga 10,La Baldosa,Fruto Dulce,Salon Canning,以及 Confiteria Ideal。Carlos and Alison 在 Buenos Aires 的教學經歷豐富,包含 El Torquato Tasso,La Casa Bicentenario,Aires Tangueros,Luna Llena,以及世界其他城市如布魯塞爾,蒙特樓及多倫多。Carlos and Alison 的探戈導師為 Sunderland Club 探戈學校的 Carlos Perez 及 Rosa Forte。
Akiyoshi & Noriko Tanada (Tokyo)
Akiyoshi & Noriko are one of the most famous tango dance couples in Japan. Their tango style is dramatic and graceful, filling poetic sentiment of tango. They began to dance tango from 1990, and found the Tango Project Japan in 1999. They organize the annual tango worshop "Tango Week in Tokio" inviting famous tango maestros since 2000. They organized the tango show "Street Tango" with Ryota Komatsu (bandoneon). They are skilled tango teachers who teach not only in japan but also in foreign countries and excellent tango dancers who are invited for tango shows. They are champions of 3rd Tango Dance World Championship in Asia in stage category. Akiyoshi is a Co-chairman of New Tango Association in Japan: FJTA (Federacion Japonesa de Tango Argentino).
Akiyoshi & Noriko 是日本最著名的探戈組合之一。他們的舞蹈戲劇性而優雅並富有探戈情感。1990 開始跳探戈,1999 創立 Tango Project Japan。自 2000 年每年舉辦 “Tango Week in Tokio”,邀請世界知名探戈大師前往。曾經跟手風琴家小松亮太合作探戈秀 “Street Tango”。他們是優秀的老師,在日本海內外教學,身為絕佳的舞者也經常獲邀參加探戈表演。曾獲得第三屆亞洲探戈大賽舞台組冠軍。Akiyoshi 同時也是日本阿根廷探戈協會(FJTA)的共同主席。
Gustavo Lin & Catarina Chung (Taipei)
Gustavo y Catarina are experienced tango professionals for more than 14 years. They own a tango club named “Corazón” in Taipei, Taiwan, promoting tango culture and training the next generation of tango dancers. They were the only Asian dancers identified as “masters” along with other Argentinean dancers in the 2012 5th Kuala Lumpur International Tango Festival. Gustavo y Catarina became the first tango dancers to perform at the National Concert Hall and the National Theater in Taipei. Performing experiences include 2014 with bandoneonist Ryota Komatsu at the Taipei National Concert Hall and 2009 with dancer Wei-Ning Chen at the Taipei National Theater Experimental Theater. They were champions in Stage Tango category, runner-ups in Salon Tango and Vals categories and third place in Milonga category at the 2014 China Championship in Beijing.
Gustavo(林欣民)& Catarina(鍾可欣)阿根廷探戈資歷超過 14 年,目前是全職的探戈教師及舞者。2010 年在台北開設 Corazón 探戈教室推廣探戈文化,培養下個世代的探戈舞者。2014 年在北京舉辦的阿根廷探戈世界盃中國區選拔賽中榮獲舞臺組冠軍、Salon 組亞軍、華爾滋組亞軍及 Milonga 組季軍。 受邀前往教學演出的城市包括北京、上海、香港、南京、新加坡、文淶、佛羅倫斯(義大利)、吉隆坡、亞庀、首爾及廣島。曾於 2012 年以唯一亞洲籍舞者身分參加第五屆吉隆坡國際阿根廷探戈節,與其他阿根廷舞者擔任主要授課、演出老師。2014 年與國際知名阿根廷探戈手風琴大師小松亮太合作於台北國家音樂廳演出,為小松亮太大師親自指定的舞者。
Vivian Yeh & Matías Sotto (Shanghai & Argentina)
Vivian Yeh, Founder of TangoBang, has been teaching and organizing Argentina Tango class / workshop / performance since 2008. Vivian loves dancing and started since age 5 in Ballet; she has been actively exploring popular dance formats including salsa, folk, flamenco and belly dance. Vivian has a strong background in music which represent strong musicality and dynamics in her dance. As the principle timpanist with Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra and Taiwan Wind Ensemble, she has been touring in Europe / US / Asia since 2000.
Matías Sotto, from Argentina, began his art studies in the city of Ituzaingó, Buenos Aires since age 15, taking classes in different cultural centers, and then expanding his knowledge in Dance School “José Neglia”, later in “C.E.T.B.A” to receive as Instructor of Tango Dance. He is currently studying in “Tango Dancer” in “I.U.N.A”. His principle masters are Carlos Pérez – Rosa Forte, Daniel Nacucchio – Cristina Sosa in Tango Salón, Luciana Valle in Tango Nuevo and Eliana Sanchez Arteaga in Tango Escenario.
Vivian and Matías started partnering since March 2014. In the very short time of their partnership, they have been giving workshop and performances in BsAs, Japan, Manila, Wuhan, Hangzhou, and their homebase, Shanghai. They are highly reputed by their fans for the elegance and passion with vivid musicality; their teaching method is practical and efficient and is welcomed by many organizers in Asia.
Vivian 是上海探戈幫創辦人,2008 年起表演並教授阿根廷探戈。五歲起學習芭蕾及其他舞蹈如騷莎、民族舞蹈、佛朗明哥以及肚皮舞。堅強的音樂背景反應在舞蹈上的音樂性及動能。身為台北愛樂愛樂管弦樂團及台灣管樂團的主要定音鼓手自 2000 年起巡迴於歐洲、美國及亞洲。
Matías Sotto 來自阿根廷,十五歲起學習舞蹈,在 C.E.T.B.A. 獲得探戈舞蹈教師證書,目前在 I.U.N.A. 工讀「探戈舞者」。主要老師有 Tango Salon 方面的 Carlos Pérez y Rosa Forte 及 Daniel Nacucchio y Cristina Sosa,Tango Nuevo 的 Luciana Valle 以及 Tango Escenario 的 Eliana Sanchez Arteaga。
Vivian & Matías 2014 年 3 月起開始搭檔,曾於布宜諾斯艾利斯、日本、馬尼拉、武漢、杭州以及其根據地上海等地教學或表演。他們的舞以優雅、熱情及鮮活的音樂性見長;教學方式實際而有效,深受亞洲各地主辦者的喜愛。
Jino & Yuni (Seoul)
Jino and Yuni manage their own milonga 'La Yumba' located in Gangnam, Seoul, Korea. They started partnership in 2007 and learned more about tango in Buenos Aires from August 2008 to April 2010. They performed in various milongas like Club Sunderland, Sin Rumbo, Porteño y Bailarín, La Baldosa, Club Trovador, La Ratonera Cultural and theaters like Teatro Ateneo de la Inmaculada Concepción and Teatro Coliseo. After coming back to Korea, they were invited to perform for various international events like Seoul Tango Festival (2010 & 2011) , Tokyo Tango Festival (2010 & 2014), Tango in Paradise in Bali of Indonesia (2013), Sakura Tango Festival in Fukuoka (2014), Wuhan Tango Festival in China (2014) , and their international tango workshops were held in Tokyo (2010, 2012 & 2014) and Nagoya (2013) in Japan. In 2012, they won World Tango Champions for the 1st World Tango Championship in Seoul.
Jino & Yuni 在韓國首爾江南區開設自己的舞會 “La Yumba”。他們 2007 開始搭檔後於 2008 至 2010 年間在布宜諾斯艾利斯學習探戈,並曾於 Club Sunderland, Sin Rumbo, Porteño y Bailarín, La Baldosa, Club Trovador, La Ratonera Cultural 等舞會以及 Teatro Ateneo de la Inmaculada Concepción 與 Teatro Coliseo 等劇院演出。回韓國後陸續受邀於多項國際活動表演如首爾探戈節(2010, 2011)、東京探戈節(2010, 2014)、巴里島天堂探戈節(2013)、福岡櫻花探戈節(2014)、中國武漢探戈節(2014),並於東京(2010, 2012, 2014)、名古屋(2013)等地教課。於 2012 榮獲首爾第一屆世界探戈大賽冠軍。
Gennysam Alcantara & Lily Tan (Singapore)
“Gen & Lily”, founders of Los Sueños, Singapore have been dancing Tango together for the last 6 years. They are the icons to the Tango scenes in Singapore, teaching Tango in Singapore and other parts of Asia. They organise regular classes, Milongas, weekend Tango events and are also the organisers of Singapore International Tango Festival. They are widely known and famous in their Milonga dance, the elegance and essence of tango - most unforgettably, their flawlessly spellbinding legworks!
Their passion has taken them around the world attending festivals and learning Tango. Every year, they spend months in Buenos Aires to study Tango with their favorite teachers. They have been invited to perform and teach in several Tango events and Festivals in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Malaysia, Philippines, Jakarta , Bali, Singapore and have performed in many famous milonga clubs in Buenos Aires. They won the 2nd place in 1st Korea Tango Championship and 3rd Place in Asia Tango Championship in 2014 and were finalists in Tango Salon Mundial 2012.
Gen & Lily 是新加坡 Los Sueños 的創辦人,一起跳舞有六年的時間。他們是新加坡探戈界的指標舞者,在新加坡及亞洲數個城市教學。他們舉辦課程、舞會及週末探戈活動,並且主辦新加坡國際探戈節。他們以 milonga 舞曲聞名,並兼具探戈的優雅與精髓;最讓人難忘的是引人入勝的無瑕腿功!
熱情引領著他們參加世界各地的探戈節並且學習探戈。他們每年到布宜諾斯艾利斯跟隨喜愛的老師學舞。曾經受邀在香港、上海、北京、首爾、馬來西亞、菲律賓、雅加達、巴里島、新加坡等地表演及教學,並曾於布宜諾斯艾利斯諸多著名舞會當中表演。2014 年分獲韓國探戈大賽亞軍與亞洲探戈大賽季軍,並於 2012 沙龍探戈世界盃入圍決賽。
Esteban Peng “TT” & Emilia Jia “Amy” (Beijing)
TT & Amy are professional tango dancers in Beijing. They have been promoting Argentine tango since 2007 and are two of the most experienced teachers in Beijing and China. They are renowned for their elegant, fluent and creative style and are the earliest dancers in China to be invited to perform at international events overseas. They have made appearances in motion pictures, TV and magazines. They founded their club in 2012 and focus on the promotion of the dance and culture of Salon Tango in China. They were champions of Tango and Vals at the China Tango Championship in 2013, a subsite of the Mundial de Tango of Buenos Aires.
TT & Amy 是北京極具影響力的專業舞者,他們從 2007 年開始推廣阿根廷探戈,是北京乃至中國大陸授課時間最長、經驗最豐富的探戈老師之一,北京的許多資深舞者和本地教師都曾向他們學習。他們以優雅、流暢並充滿創造力的風格廣受歡迎,是中國大陸最早受邀在海外國際性探戈活動中擔任表演嘉賓的舞者,並在電影、電視和雜誌中頻頻曝光。在 2012 年組建自己的俱樂部之後,他們以纯正的沙龍探戈為推廣方式,致力於不斷擴大阿根廷探戈文化在中國的影響人群和力度。榮獲 2013 布宜諾斯艾利斯世界探戈大賽首屆中國選拔賽”沙龍組”及”華爾茲組”雙料冠軍。
Amelia Rambe & Ferrol Matthew (Jakarta)
Amelia Rambe & Ferrol Matthew are a new couple from Jakarta and together with Erwin Salomon are the founders of JAVA TANGO. They began dancing tango together since May 2013. This couple always dances in elegant, energetic and passioned style. They joined competitions in Hong Kong and their passion brings them to runner-up in 1st Hong Kong Championship and 3rd place in 2013 Tango Dance Asian Championship and this year they are runner-up in 2014 Tango Dance Asian Championship in Japan.
Amelia was salsa teacher 10 years before, and began to persue tango in 2009. She is a tango teacher in Jakarta, not only passionate about tango, but also a designer of tango dresses that she has made her name as a brand. Matthew started tango in 2005. Barely 26 years old, and has metamorphosed into fine tango dancer.
Amelia and Matthew 為雅加達新興之探戈舞者,與 Erwin Salomon 同為 JAVA TANGO 創辦人。於 2013 年 5 月開始合作之後展現優雅有動能並且熱情的舞風。曾參加 2013 香港探戈大賽榮獲亞軍,於 2013 及 2014 日本亞洲探戈舞蹈大賽分獲季軍及亞軍。
Amelia 十年前為 salsa 老師,2009 開始追求探戈。目前在雅加達擔任探戈老師,也設計服飾並自創同名品牌。Matthew 於 2005 開始跳探戈。現年 26 歲的他已蛻變為極為精緻的探戈舞者。
Ezequiel Gómez & Ratih Soe Kosasie (Argentina & Indonesia)
Ezequiel Gómez is a dancer, teacher, and choreographer of Tango Argentino. He started in 1997 as a dancer of Argentine Folk Dance, achieving first place in competitions at the provincial level. He danced tango in the most important milongas in Buenos Aires incuding La Ideal, Salon Canning, La Baldosa and Sunderland with the company TANGO DNI. In Octopus 2nd Tango Festival Week together with Horacio Ferrer García he organized a fusion of tango. In 2013 he won the 2nd place in the Tango Dance Asian Championship, held in Japan every year. He lately works in Japan as a teacher, choreographer, and dancer. His dances with strength and presence. In his dancing we can appreciate a traditional closed embrace along with modern and contemporary movements.
Ratih Soe Kosasie, former Top Model Indonesia in 1985, expresses her love for tango and the rich culture of her country, Indonesia, by combining the two elements and coming up with a beautiful new expression. It is a cross culture basically that she wants to achieve. She is the founder of Tango Lovers Jakarta, the leading tango organizer in Indonesia. As a tango organizer in Indonesia, she has been organizing regular tango events in Indonesia, inviting many world class tango teachers to conduct lessons and performances. As a tango dancer she does some performances, mainly in Indonesia. In 2011, she was invited to do a culture mission in Argentina to do tango performance with Francisco Forquera in Four Season hotel in Buenos Aires. She is famously known dancing tango in kebaya.
Ezequiel Gómez y Ratih Soe Kosasie, they met in Tokyo in February 2014 and started to dance together since. They did some performances after 1 month dancing together. Through their tango movements, they express connection, passion and style.
Ezequiel Gómez 是阿根廷探戈的舞者、老師及編舞家。1997 年開始擔任阿根廷民族舞蹈舞者,在省際賽事獲得首獎。他曾隨 TANGO DNI 舞團在布宜諾斯艾利斯諸如 La Ideal、Salon Canning、La Baldosa 以及 Sunderland 等多場重要舞會當中表演。曾在第二屆章魚探戈節與 Horacio Ferrer García 一同舉辦融合風格的探戈。2013 年榮獲日本亞洲探戈大賽亞軍。近年在日本擔任老師、編舞者及舞者。他的舞蹈有力量與存在感。在他的舞蹈當中可以欣賞到傳統深擁抱內具有現代與當代感的動作。
Ratih Soe Kosasie 曾獲 1985 年 Top Model Indonesia,透過結合探戈與印尼文化來表達對於兩項元素的熱愛。他想達成的是文化交流。他是 Tango Lovers Jakarta 的創辦人,也是印尼具有主導地位的主辦人。他在印尼常態舉辦探戈活動,邀請世界級探戈舞者教學及表演。身為舞者主要在印尼表演,並曾於 2011 一項文化任務在阿根廷布於宜諾斯艾利斯四季酒店與 Francisco Forquera 表演。他以穿著芭雅服跳探戈而聞名。
Ezequiel & Ratih 2014 年 2 月於東京相遇後開始搭檔,一個月後開始表演。他們透過探戈動作表達連結、熱情與格調。
Theta Chen & Aimee Liu (Taiwan)
Theta & Aimee live in New York. They started dancing tango respectively because a poster and a tango show. They supposedly will keep dancing until they their bodies allow them to do.
Daniel Liu & Anna Chin (Taipei)
Daniel y Anna are professional tango dancers and teachers from Taiwan. They lead the managing team of Tanguisimo Tango Space, the first tango school in Taipei founded back in 2008. They are also the organizers of the Taipei Tango Festival, entering its 12th year in September 2014.
Daniel started dancing at the age of 18 at the National Taiwan University. A tango show in 1997 inspired him to reach out for tango, eventually becoming the first full time dancer/teacher/organizer of Taiwan in 2002. Since then he has been regularly inviting some of the best teachers from Argentina, learning both the dance and the idiosyncracy of tango. Working experiences include choreographing and coaching for Taiwan celebrities in musical videos, movies or concerts.
Anna started figure skating and taekwondo at the age of 10 and dance at the age of 18. In 2009 she was inspired by the ambience of the milonga and the exhibitions of international dancers at the Taipei Tango Festival to start dancing tango, eventually becoming a dancer/teacher/organizer with Daniel. She also works in modeling, acting and graphic design. She designs and makes tango outfits, founding ANNA GOLD Tango Wear in 2010.
Daniel y Anna got married in 2011, partnered up in 2012 and have performed in Hiroshima (2012), Tokyo Tango Festival (2012), Seoul Tango Festival (2013), Taipei Tango Festival (2013), Taipei Travel Fair (2013), Bail Tango in Paradise (2013), Fukuoka Sakura Tango Festival (2014) and Beijing History and Legend Tango Weekend (2014).
Daniel & Anna 為探戈舞者與老師以及台北 Tanguisimo 探戈藝文沙龍之行政團隊成員。他們舉辦舞會、活動、大師營、藝文講座,自 2010 年起合作主辦一年一度的台北國際探戈節。Daniel & Anna 曾受邀於東京、廣島、首爾及台北表演。Daniel 於 1997 年開始接觸探戈,被視為台灣之阿根廷探戈先驅之一,分別於 2000、2003 及 2008 參與台北探戈工作坊、台北國際探戈節及 Tanguisimo 探戈藝文沙龍之創立,均為台灣最早的同類探戈組織。Daniel 曾指導台灣藝人張惠妹、胡啟志、江蕙、蔡健雅、張榕容、林志玲等之探戈舞蹈並為其編舞。Anna 除了探戈的工作也擔任模特兒、演員、配音員、雜誌編輯以及美術設計等工作,於 2010 開始設計探戈服飾並自創品牌 ANNA GOLD Tango Wear。
I-fan Wu (Taipei) & Hayoung Oh "Jairo" (Seoul)
I-fan Wu finished studies at the Taipei National University of Arts in Master Degree for Art Creation. I-fan started dancing tango in 2008, traveling to Buenos Aires in 2010~2012 for tango learning and painting. Main teachers include Andrea Misse & Javier Rodriguez, Lorena Ermocida, Jorge Dispari & Maria del Carmen Romero, Andrea Reyero & Sebastian Misse, Carlos Copello, Marite Lujan, Daniel Juarez & Alejandra Armenti. I-fan performed with different dancers at milongas like Porteno y Bailarin, Salon Canning, El Beso, Sunderland Club (Bday performance), etc. I-fan participated in China Town Chinese New Year performances in Buenos Aires in 2010, 2011 and 2013. In Taipei, she has performed and teached tango in different places and occassions, including tango pieces in theatre and motion pictures, and in the 30th Anniversary banquet of NTUA. She is currently instructor at the NTUA Tango Club and teacher at Tanguisimo Tango Space, as well as an active tango DJ and arts creator.
A steamy, hot summer afternoon in 2008 would come to change everything for Hayoung - or Jairo, as he is also known - when, out of both curiosity and boredom, he stepped for the first time into a tango class. That day marked the beginning of something very special, something that is now irreplaceable in his life. Sometimes he rises at dawn to play some di Sarli records and practice his walking in the living room. He is also infamous in Seoul milongas for singing at the top of his bass-baritone voice when in a good mood, for such is his love for tango.
吳依凡(I-fan Wu)畢業於國立台北藝術大學碩士班,主修藝術創作。2008 開始接觸探戈,2010~2012 在布利諾艾利斯市進修探戈與從事繪畫創作。主要學習阿根廷老師有:Andrea Misse & Javier Rodriguez, Lorena Ermocida, Jorge Dispari & Maria del Carmen Romero, Andrea Reyero & Sebastian Misse, Carlos Copello, Marite Lujan, Daniel Juarez & Alejandra Armenti 等許多老師進修。於阿根廷當地舞會與不同舞者表演,如:Porteno y Bailarin, Salon Canning, El Beso, Sunderland Club(慶生演出)等。也在布宜諾斯艾利斯市的中國城春節 2010, 2011 及 2013 新年表演。在台北探戈許多不同活動表演與指導,包括戲劇{夜色,磚縫裡的探戈}與{情人 The Lover}與電影「迴光」等跨界領域。2012 受邀在國立台北藝術大學三十年校慶晚會指導與演出。目前擔任 TNUA 的探戈社指導老師與在 Tanguisimo 授課,同時從事探戈 DJ 工作與藝術創作。
一個炎熱的 2008 年午後在好奇與無聊下步入探戈課堂的 Hayoung — 或稱 Jairo — 就此改變了一生。那天開啓了他人生中極為特殊而無法取代的事情。他時而在晨間起床,放上 di Sarli 的唱片在客廳練習走路。心情好的時候操著低中音高歌的習慣使得他在首爾的舞會享有臭名,因為他對於探戈是如此的熱愛。
Martín Villafañe (Argentina) & Le Hang (Vietnam)
Martín Villafañe was born in Córdoba Argentina and began his dance studies at the early age of three years old. At present, he is a Senior Professor in Latin America and a very prestigious Tango folk dancer in Argentina. He is well recognized by his students for constructive learning method where the complexity of the dance is transmitted and understood more easily. You might as well say that Martín is a complete Milonguero artist who will represent Argentinean music wherever he goes. This year, he is touring around Europe and has been part of the Tango night life in several countries: Poland, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia and Brussels. Currently living and teaching tango in Saigon Vietnam. He was an official member of the National Ballet America Joven and he has participated in various tours in the country and in South America. He has danced in Colombia , Perú and Paraguay. In 2005, he moved to Buenos Aires where he polished his skills as a top dancer and improved his inborn talent as a Tango teacher with the help of well known “ maestros de tango”. He has also been part of “ The company is alive Tango” with which he performed in various theaters in the city of Buenos Aires , gaining high recognition from the audience. In 2009, he won the first prize as a representative of the Province of Cordoba in the semifinal of the World Tango Championship. Later, in the year 2010 he won a prize as a semifinalist in the Metropolitan Championship in Buenos Aires City and semifinalist at the World Tango Championship. He also participated in the first pair contest of Role Reversal in tango and won second place. Part of all his training accomplishments is due to his daily constant participation at Tsunami Tango Bar where he makes a living giving tango classes to local people and tourists. We can say that Mr. Villafañe lives his life with a tango philosophy in all its forms but especially as a real dancer. His Milonguero style makes his embrace the musicality in which he has achieved transmitting the passion and emotion of the REAL ARGENTINIAN Tango dance. From Argentina we wish him all he deserves and highly recommend him as a friend, teacher, instructor and national treasure.
Le Hang has been dancing all her life. She started with ballroom and salsa and five years ago she discovered tango and it was love at first sight. Since then she has passed three periods of a month in Buenos Aires studying with some of the top teaches of the world and practicing and dancing in milonga with many others. She studied with Romina Han, Aurora Lubiz, Ana Maria Schapira, Maria Plazaola, Jesus Velazquez, Silvana Nuñez and Ival Leonardo Romeo. Hang is at the center of the tango life in Saigon: working together with Ta Tango she supported organizing the Tango Exposed 2010, all editions of the tango festival since it started in 2012 as well as all editions of Tango Blitz Saigon since 2012, together with many other events, lectures, milongas, and weeks and weekend fully dedicated to tango in various places of Vietnam. Le Hang started to dance with Martin Villafañe when he arrived in Vietnam in June 2014 and did already several exhibitions to promote tango in Vietnam including Hue, Da nang and Saigon Opera House. Le Hang dance style is elegant and romantic, with true connection in a closed embrace.
Martín Villafañe 生於阿根廷 Córdoba,三歲起開始接觸舞蹈。現為拉丁美洲資深教授,亦為阿根廷著名的探戈及民族舞蹈舞者。他以建設式教學法著稱,以簡單的方式傳達複雜的舞蹈。他今年在歐洲數國巡迴,包括波蘭、義大利、馬其頓、塞爾維亞以及布魯塞爾等地。現居於越南西貢。年輕時曾隨青年美洲國家舞團巡迴於南美,2005 年移居布宜諾斯艾利斯精進探戈舞蹈及教學技巧,師承著名的探戈大師。2009 年代表 Córdoba 省在世界探戈大賽準決賽得到首獎,2010 年在布宜諾斯艾利斯城市大賽及世界探戈大賽均入圍準決賽。他也參加角色對調賽事得到第二名。Villafañe 先生秉持著探戈哲學,特別是以真實舞者的身份過生活。他的 Milonguero 舞風使其擁抱成為傳遞真正阿根廷探戈舞蹈熱情與情緒的音樂性。我們自阿根廷祝福他,並且高度推薦這位朋友、導師、老師以及國寶。
Le Hang 一生都在跳舞。原本跳國際標準舞以及 salsa 的他五年前遇見探戈,一見鍾情。此後三度遠赴布宜諾斯艾利斯跟世界頂尖探戈舞者學習、練習,並且在舞會裡跟他們跳舞。師承 Romina Han,Aurora Lubiz,Ana Maria Schapira,Maria Plazaola,Jesus Velazquez,Silvana Nuñez 及 Ival Leonardo Romeo。Hang 位於西貢探戈的中心位置:與 Ta Tango 合作舉辦 Tango Exposed 2010,2012 年起的歷屆探戈節以及歷屆 Tango Blitz Saigon,以及各種活動、講座、舞會以及在越南各地的探戈活動。Le Hang 於 2014 年 6 月開始與甫抵越南的 Martin Villafañe 搭檔,已於順化、峴港、西貢歌劇院等越南各地表演推廣探戈。Le Hang 舞蹈風格優雅而浪漫,透過緊密的擁抱達到真實的連結。
Musicians and DJs -- 樂團及 DJ
Tango Aroselli was formed in 2011 by Algy Wu and has delighted us for three consecutive years at the Grand Milonga of the Taipei Tango Festival. This year the formation will be with 3 bandoneons and 3 violins, the first ever Orquesta Típica in Taiwan, and with the participation of the renowned Japanese violinist Aida Momoko.
Tango Aroselli 樂團在吳睿然(Algy Wu)領軍下成立於 2011 年,連續三屆台北國際探戈節阿根廷之夜以動人的演奏擄獲探戈同好的心。今年將擴編至 3 把手風琴與 3 把小提琴,成為台灣首次以「探戈樂團」(Orquesta Típica)的編制呈現。同時邀請到知名日本小提琴家会田桃子客座演出。
Aida Momoko / Violin, Guest Musician
Born in Yokohama, Japan, Aida Momoko started violin at the age of 3. She studied music at the Toho Girls High School music department and the Toho Gakuen School of Music. As a student she showed interested in the music of Astor Piazzolla and argentine tango and started playing with bandoneonist Ryota Komatsu and his band “The Tangisutsu”. After graduation she played as solo violinist at Mr. Komatsu’s tango band for several years. Afterwards she visited Buenos Aires to learn and play live concerts with tango musicians, as well as entering for a short term admission to the Buenos Aires City Tango Orchestra School. She founded Cuarteto Cuatrocientos in 2000 and Orquesta Aurora in 2009, keeping the spirit of Piazzolla in both arrangements and interpretation, mixing jazz improvisation, looking for new ways in Argentine tango. In 2014 she recorded her first solo album "Al cielo desierto".
会田桃子 / 小提琴,客座音樂家
会田桃子生於日本橫濱,三歲起學習小提琴。畢業於桐朋女子高等學校音樂科以及桐朋學園大學音樂系。學生時期喜愛皮耶佐拉及阿根廷探戈音樂,開始參與手風琴家小松亮太及其探戈樂團「The Tangisutsu」的演奏。畢業後擔任小松先生探戈樂團小提琴獨奏家多年。曾到訪布宜諾斯艾利斯學習探戈並且跟當地音樂家合奏,並短期進入布宜諾斯艾利斯市立探戈樂團學校。分別於 2000 年及 2009 年成立了探戈四重奏「Cuatrocientos」及探戈樂團「Orquesta Aurora」,在編曲及演奏上延續皮耶佐拉的精神,融合爵士即興,繼續在阿根廷探戈中尋找新路。2014 年發表第一張個人專輯「Al cielo desierto」。
Algy Wu / Bandoneon, Band Leader
Born in Zamboanga City, Philippines, Algy is a major of psychology at the National Chengchi University, Taiwan; a graduate of composition at the Vienna National University of Music and Performing Arts, Austria; a student of bandoneon under maestro Juan Jose Mosalini in Paris. He is currently an active composer in Vienna and Taiwan. His original films scores for movies “When Love Comes” (2010) and “A Time in Quchi” (2013) were both nominated for the Golden Horse Award for the best orignial film score. He plays the bandoneon in various tango ensembles and serves as a musical director in theatre groups . His band Tango Aroselli has performed consecutively at Taipei Tango Festival editions 2011~2013. He wishes to have better understanding of Taiwan music and argentine tango and be able to develop Taiwan tango music of his own in the fields of studying, composing and performing.
吳睿然 / 班多鈕手風琴,團長
出生於菲律賓三寶顏市,移居台灣,畢業於國立政治大學心理學系,負笈奧地利,於維也納國立音樂暨表演藝術大學作曲系取得藝術家文憑,並於巴黎事師名手風琴家 Juan José Mosalini。現為活躍於歐亞兩地的作曲家,為張作驥執導之影片《當愛來的時候》及《暑假作業》所譜寫演奏的配樂,皆入圍金馬獎最佳電影原創音樂。身兼數個探戈樂團的手風琴手,並帶領所創立的 Tango Aroselli,在台北探戈節的舞會中演出。自我期許能更深入了解台灣音樂及阿根廷探戈,在研究、創作及演奏的路上,發展出屬於自己的台灣探戈音樂
Yung-lung Wu / Bandoneon
Graduated from Department of Music in National Sun Yat-Sen University. He has been playing the Bandoneon since 2007. In 2009, he went to Buenos Aires and studied with Maestro Walter Rios. In 2012,he won the 1st prize in Bandoneon Solo category at the International Accordeon Competition in Klingenthal, Germany and is the first Taiwanese to ever win this prize. Now he works as a Tango arranger and music teacher.
吳詠隆 / 班多鈕手風琴
畢業於中山大學音樂系。2007 年因深受 Piazzolla 音樂吸引而開始學習 Bandoneon。 09年遠赴阿根廷師事 Walter Rios。2012 年獲德國克林根塔爾國際手風琴大賽班多鈕組首獎,為該賽事舉辦半世紀以來第一位獲首獎之台灣人。目前從事音樂教學與探戈編曲。
Chen-Chung Lee / Bandoneon
Started bandoneon in 2004, has learned from maestros Walter Ríos and Rodolfo Daluisio. During his years of study in the USA he performed at the Hill Auditorium and the Kerrytown Concert House, among other places. He held a solo concert “The First Time We Meet” in Taipei in July, 2009. After his return to Taiwan in 2011 he has been working as arranger, composer for films and theatre, recorder and bandoneon and violin player. He is the bandoneonist of orchestra Circo, performing “Angel’s Tango” at the NTU Center for the Arts in 2013.
李承宗 / 班多鈕手風琴
於 2004 年開始自學 bandoneon 手風琴至今,曾接受 Walter Ríos, Rodolfo Daluisio 等大師指導。在美國求學期間曾於 Hill Auditorium,Kerrytown Concert House 等音樂廳演出。2009 年 7 月於台灣台北舉行個人手風琴 ”The First Time We Meet” 獨奏會。2011年返國後,從事編曲、影片/劇場配樂、錄音及手風琴/小提琴演奏工作。目前為 Circo 樂團專職手風琴手,2013 年曾與 Circo 樂團一同於台大藝文中心演出”天使、嘆歌”音樂會。
Wang Chih-Hsiang / Violin
Studied at Simon Elementary School in Taoyuan City, Taoyuan City, rejuvenating in Taipei Jianguo High School, National Chengchi University Department of Psychology. Learned Violin with Lin Chih-cheng, Qu Jing Peng, Yan Ding Ke, Xie Zhongping, Wang Yan Hua, Lin Huijun, Wu Meng Pin. Did Military Service in the Ministry of National Defence, and then went to France to study violin. Graduated from the Ecole Normale de la Music de Paris, studied with Mr. Devy Erlih . Obtained Diplome Superieur de Concertiste de Violon AL'unanimite in 2007-2008 and Diplome Superieur de Concertiste de Musique de Chambre in 2008-2009. Now works in NSO as Violin Tutti.
王致翔 / 小提琴
就讀於桃園市西門國小、桃園市中興國中、台北市建國高中、台大數學系肄業、政大心理系畢業,師事林志成、曲靜彭、顏丁科、謝中平、王彥驊、林輝鈞、吳孟平,服役於國防部示範樂隊,退伍後前往法國留學。畢業於 巴黎師範音樂院 Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris,師事 Devy Erlih。2007-2008 小提琴演奏家文憑獲一致通過獎 (Diplome Superieur de Concertiste de Violon A L’unanimite),2008-2009 獲室內樂演奏家文憑 (Diplome Superieur de Concertiste de Musique de Chambre),現任職於國家音樂廳交響樂團(NSO)小提琴團員。
Michael Palmer / Violin
Coming from Australia, Michael’s tango journey started with the music of Piazzolla. As a member of orchestra Tango Negro he played in many concerts around Taiwan. He has participated several times in orchestras in different editions of the Taipei Tango Festival. Besides playing music, he also loves the tango dance.
羅俊傑 / 小提琴
來自澳洲, Michael 的探戈之旅始於Piazzolla的音樂。為黑探戈樂團成員,活躍於台灣各地舉行音樂會,並多次參與台北國際探戈節演出。除了演奏外,他目前也十分鍾情於探戈舞蹈。
Yi-Hsin Wang / Piano
Born in Taipei, completed his Master of Music degree with Da-Ming Zhu at Soochow University. Laureate of several piano competitions held in Taiwan. Has appeared as a piano accompanist at many concerts.
王一心 / 鋼琴
台北人,畢業於東吳大學音樂研究所,主修鋼琴。曾師事王婷芝、陳盤安教授及諸大明教授。曾獲 YAMAHA 全國鋼琴大賽高中組第一名、全國學生音樂比賽大專組第三名、中山大學協奏曲比賽優勝等。獲選為中華民國斐陶斐榮譽會員。
Eliza Chen / Double Bass
Graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts Graduate Institute. Current member at the NSO, TSO, and teacher at Wu-Ling Senior High School and Nangang Elementary School. Former member at the NTSO, Chamber Orchestra of the TSO, TCO, NCO, TPYO, Chimei Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Quanta Philharmonic Orcchestra.
陳美君 / 低音提琴
Daniel Liu / Vocal
Professional tango dancer and amateur singer of tango and flamenco. Performing experiences include tango and flamenco performances with Tango Aroselli, iTango Orchestra, Casa de Flamenco Mirasol, harpist Sarita Chen, Mimbre Flamenco Group, bandoneonist Jun Hakakawa, Orquesta Tango Vivo, Aida Momoko Cuarteto in Tokyo Tango Festival in 2012, and MusiCater Orchestra in Bali Tango in Paradise 2013.
劉心岳 / 歌手
阿根廷探戈職業舞者兼業餘探戈與佛朗明哥歌手。曾參與 Tango Aroselli、愛探戈樂團、米拉索、陳淑杏豎琴獨奏會、戀舞天空西門紅樓、早川純手風琴獨奏會、Tango Vivo 樂團等演出擔任歌手,並曾於 2012 與日本会田桃子四重奏(Momoko Aida Cuarteto)合作於東京探戈節,2013 與 MusiCater 樂團合作於巴里島天堂探戈節。
Tango Vivo is an orchestra active in Taiwan's milongas and shows. Their repertoire includes, aside from the renowned composer Astor Piazzolla, classics from the tango Golden Age that attract dancers to the dance floor.
Tango Vivo 樂團活躍於阿根廷探戈舞會及舞蹈表演中。演出曲目除了國內熟知的皮耶佐拉(A.Piazzolla)作品外,更多是選自Tango舞會中的經典(例如Carlos Gardel, Di Sarli, Troilo,...等名家作品),力求以音樂誘惑觀眾雙腳,讓人忍不住跟隨Tango的音樂與節奏擺動。
Bruce Peng / Guitar
Bruce loves jazz and southern american music. He went to Salvador da Bahia in Brazil in 2003 to learn brazilian music, and to Argentina in 2010 to learn tango music from maestro César Angeleri. He performs currently with orchestras ChoroFun and Tango Vivo. Other musical experiences include production for documentary “Salvador’s Diary”, concert with Dizzy Jazz Band, and performances at the Bali Jazz Festival, the Taipei Tango Festival, the Taipei Fringe Festival, and the NTCH Experimental Theater.
彭書禹 / 吉他
熱愛爵士及南美音樂,2003 年遠赴有“巴西音樂之都”之稱的薩爾瓦多- 巴伊亞(Salvador, Bahia)學習巴西音樂,2010年至阿根廷與新銳吉他大師 César Angeleri 學習探戈音樂。目前為 ChoroFun 及 Tango Vivo 樂團的演出活動為主。其他音樂經歷包括公視紀錄片”薩爾瓦多日記”之音樂製作、底細爵士樂團公演、水岸爵士音樂節、台北國際探戈節、台北藝穗節、國家戲劇院實驗劇場… 等之演出。
Chen-Chung Lee / Bandoneon
Started bandoneon in 2004, has learned from maestros Walter Ríos and Rodolfo Daluisio. During his years of study in the USA he performed at the Hill Auditorium and the Kerrytown Concert House, among other places. He held a solo concert “The First Time We Meet” in Taipei in July, 2009. After his return to Taiwan in 2011 he has been working as arranger, composer for films and theatre, recorder and bandoneon and violin player. He is the bandoneonist of orchestra Circo, performing “Angel’s Tango” at the NTU Center for the Arts in 2013.
李承宗 / 班多鈕手風琴
於 2004 年開始自學 bandoneon 手風琴至今,曾接受 Walter Ríos, Rodolfo Daluisio 等大師指導。在美國求學期間曾於 Hill Auditorium,Kerrytown Concert House 等音樂廳演出。2009 年 7 月於台灣台北舉行個人手風琴 ”The First Time We Meet” 獨奏會。2011年返國後,從事編曲、影片/劇場配樂、錄音及手風琴/小提琴演奏工作。目前為 Circo 樂團專職手風琴手,2013 年曾與 Circo 樂團一同於台大藝文中心演出”天使、嘆歌”音樂會。
Michael Palmer / Violin
Coming from Australia, Michael’s tango journey started with the music of Piazzolla. As a member of orchestra Tango Negro he played in many concerts around Taiwan. He has participated several times in orchestras in different editions of the Taipei Tango Festival. Besides playing music, he also loves the tango dance.
羅俊傑 / 小提琴
來自澳洲, Michael 的探戈之旅始於Piazzolla的音樂。為黑探戈樂團成員,活躍於台灣各地舉行音樂會,並多次參與台北國際探戈節演出。除了演奏外,他目前也十分鍾情於探戈舞蹈。
Ikeda Kinya / Double Bass
Born in Hokkaido, Japan, Ikeda exceled in various instruments as an influence from his family. Multiple performances and experiences led him to become a mature musician. Since living in Taipei in 2002 he has become an important bass player in diverse performance places in Taiwan. Apart from jazz, he spends time and energy in the study of tango music and has become the doublebass player of important tango bands in Taiwan. He is currently doublebass player at the Taipei Jazz Orchestra, at the highly commented Skaraoke and at Summer Lei+BIT Sound. He recorded “Story No. 36” with Summer Lei+BIT Sound, winning at the Golden Melody Awards and the Golden Horse Awards. Ikeda plays precisely, sensitive to the sound and needs of the orchestra, subtly supporting other members. When solo moments come, he transforms the doublebass into a tender singer, turning at moments into a wild swinger.
池田欣彌 / 低音提琴
出生於北海道,受家庭環境影響,自幼擅長各種樂器。豐富的演出及多元經驗,讓池田逐漸蛻變為一位成熟的音樂家。2002年來台定居,池田成為台灣各表演場所重要的低音部。除了正統爵士樂之外,他投入許多精力研究阿根廷探戈音樂,亦是台灣重要探戈樂團的成員。目前他是台北爵士大樂團、極受好評的Ska樂隊”Skaraoke”及”雷光夏+BIT Sound”的低音提琴手。與”雷光夏+BIT Sound”共同錄製電影「第36個故事」原聲帶,專輯並獲得金曲獎、金馬獎的肯定。池田的演奏精準,敏銳覺察樂團的聲響及需求,微妙支撐著他人。而當獨奏時刻來臨,他將Double Bass 搖身變為溫柔的吟唱者,時而又化為狂放不羈的搖擺者,就在轉瞬之間。
DJs -- 探戈 DJ
Analia "La Rubia" Del Giglio (Argentina)
La Rubia is the product of a deep investigation, study and love for Tango. Her knowledge and intimate relationship with the music enabled her to develop a personal style, a unique sound. This is "La Rubia“. The activity as pure DJ was realized in her work "Las Chirusas“, in her home city of Rosario. In almost 80 towns and 16 countries all over the world, from Argentina to Europe, people have danced with her music. Not only Analia Del Giglio (La Rubia) is invited to the principal festivals and events of the main stream, but her work is also very appreciated as part of the regular scene. Also she gives exquisites workshops about her job, the history and culture of Tango. In 2013 her signature will be imprinted in Istambul, Belgrado, Oslo, Copenhagen, Nijmegen, Wuppertal, Berlin, Praga, Innsbruck, Hamburgo, Zurich, Porec, Ibiza, Londres, Edinburgo, Brusellas, Salerno, Fivizzano, Lisboa, “our beloved Taipei”, as well as in Kaliakria (Bulgaria), here among others they are looking for “puro tango argentino”.
“La Rubia” 是在對探戈的愛、學習及深度研究下所出現的產品。從其出生地 Rosario 之 “La Chirusas” 開始擔任全職 DJ,迄今有逾 16 國 80 個城市的探戈同好在其播放之音樂下共舞。Analia Del Giglio(外號”金髮女” La Rubia)不僅受到各國活動主辦者的喜愛,同時也是常態活動的要角。他時常在講座中講授 DJ 相關知識以及探戈的歷史及文化。對於音樂的認識及其與音樂的親密關係促成了風格獨具的聲音,這就是 “La Rubia”。
Lung-Kuei Lin (Taipei)
Lung-Kuei is an integral part of the U.S. scene, attracting both envy and affection as a dancer, and running off to festivals with tremendous zeal. He’s a very sought-after leader, constantly working to make his dancing more musical, precise, and more lovely for his partner and has developed keen sensitivity toward what makes a milonga go well. While starting his tango in 2005, he built a solid reputation as a DJ and now spins tunes at the best milongas in town and Tango festivals fly him in to DJ. His choices are not strange: he just plays one good song after another, placed in sequence with sensitivity. Lung-Kuei has zero attitude about what he does well, and always keeps a sense of humor about things, while remaining a serious milonguero, 100% dedicated to the craft, the life, and the music of tango.
Lung-Kuei 是美國探戈圈的要角,充滿活力地穿梭在境內最佳的探戈節。這樣的活動力致使他成為美國境內最受歡迎的男舞者之一,也發展了對於成功舞會所需具備要素的敏感性。即便舞技乾淨而富音樂性,他不停地努力讓他的舞蹈更有音樂性、更精準,也更另舞伴感到愉悅。影響他最深的老師包括 Rebecca Shulman,Robin Thomas,Evan Griffiths,Diego Di Falco 及 Silvina Valz。Lung-Kuei 2005 年開始學習探戈,2007 開始擔任 DJ。在 DJ 的領域他逐步建立名聲,當今已受邀至其居住地各個重要舞會場合播放音樂。探戈節爭相邀請他前往擔任 DJ。他的選擇很簡單:就是一首接著一首的好音樂以巧妙的順序播放。Lung-Kuei 對於所作之事謙虛以對,永遠保持幽默感,也是不折不扣的「舞棍」(milonguero),百分之百投入其雕琢、人生以及探戈音樂。
Bai He (Shanghai)
Bai He is a traditional tango DJ based in Shanghai. He is nowadays one of the most popular DJ in China. He was invited to perform in many festivals and tango events located in big cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Wuhan and so on. As a famous DJ, he received a lot of praises from many dancers and masters in this field. He loves traditional tango music from the Golden Era, but does not stick to that. He can always arouse dancers' enthusiasm because he is very good at grasping energy from different type of music. Tango, in his opinion, is a dance with soul, and a good DJ should always release the energy from the dancers’ deepest souls by the music.
賀小白是中國最炙手可熱的 DJ 之一,長駐上海最好的週六 TangoGo 舞會。曾多次受邀前往北京、香港、武漢等地的探戈節和舞會活動 DJ,並廣受舞者和大師們的好評。他偏愛黃金年代的傳統探戈音樂,但並不完全拘泥於此。他通過對音樂的不同能量的把握來調動舞者的熱情。他認為探戈是一種靈魂的舞蹈,舞會 DJ 的任務就是使用音樂把舞者們的靈魂能量釋放出來!
Ian Shao (Taipei)
Ian is a regular DJ at Tanguísimo Tango Space, Taipei. Despite working in the field of architecture and interior design, he spends most of the time listening to tango music. He started tango in Taipei in 2011 and has quickly become one of the favorite DJs in town. His passion for tango is well reflected in his tandas.
Ian『邵爺』是 Tanguísimo 探戈藝文沙龍常駐 DJ。在建築與室內設計領域工作的他不論上班、下班都在聽探戈音樂。2011 年在台北開始接觸探戈,短短幾年時間已經是台北最受歡迎的 DJ 之一。他對於探戈的熱情反應在所播放的音樂上面。
Saori Nishio (Ho Chi Minh)
Saori is one of the regular DJs of Ta.Tango Club’s weekly milonga in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She has played at the festivals organized by Ta.Tango Club such as Saigon Tango Festival (December 2013) and Saigon Tango Week (April 2014). She often travels within Southeast Asia and plays at the local milongas as well. She plays the classic favorites from the golden age with a well-balanced mix of rhythmic and melodic tandas.
Saori 是 Ta. Tango Club 在越南胡志明市的常駐 DJ 之一。他曾在 Ta. Tango Club 舉辦的西貢探戈節(2013)及西貢探戈週末(2014)等活動播放音樂。他經常旅行於東南亞在各地舞會播放音樂。他播放黃金時期的經典音樂,平衡地搭配節奏性與旋律性的音樂。
Nguyen Bao Anh (Hong Kong)
Nguyen Bao Anh, professional classical musician graduated from Royal College of Music, London. First encounter with Tango in 2005; learns Tango in Hong Kong and Korea. Develops huge interests in Tango music, starts collecting material, Tango music on LP recordings (Vinyl), scores, and music related from 2007. Comes back to Hong Kong in 2009 and starts DJing first for Tango Tang, then works closely with 7 years old ***Milonga Luna*** at Xperience Bar. In 2012 Bao Anh gets offer to run his own Milonga ***El Viaducto Milonguero*** on Friday with full support of Danzstage in Hong Kong where most of Tango action happens! Freelancing DJ includes: Taipei 11th Tango Festival (after party Milonga), Alejadro y Paula, Milena y David, Pablo y Noelia. Co-organizer and DJ of Saigon Tango Blitz 2013, Hanoi Tango Blitz.
Nguyen Bao Anh 是畢業於倫敦皇家音樂學院的職業古典音樂家。2005 首次接觸探戈,在香港以及韓國學習探戈。隨後對探戈音樂產生極大的興趣,2007 年起開始蒐集探戈黑膠唱片、樂譜及音樂相關資料。2009 回到香港開始為探戈堂擔任 DJ,隨後與已進行七年位於 Xperience Bar 的 Milonga Luna 展開密切合作。2012 年獲邀主辦自己的舞會 El Viaducto Milonguero,地點正是香港阿根廷探戈活動的大本營 Danzstage。其他 DJ 經驗包括第十一屆台北國際探戈節之 After Party,Alejandro y Paula、Milena y David 以及 Pablo y Noelia 等活動。擔任 Saigon Tango Blitz 2013 及 Hanoi Tango Blitz 共同主辦者及 DJ。
Program and Venues -- 行事曆及活動場地
PROGRAM -- 行事曆
English Program
Tanguísimo Tango Space
Address: 7F, No.169, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
MRT: Zhongxiao Dunhua Station (3 min. by walk)
Tanguísimo 探戈藝文沙龍
地址:台北市忠孝東路四段 169 號 7 樓。
捷運:忠孝敦化站(步行約 3 分鐘)
Alan & Anya Studio
Address: 8F, No.169, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
MRT: Zhongxiao Dunhua Station (3 min. by walk)
Alan & Anya Studio
地址:台北市忠孝東路四段 169 號 8 樓。
捷運:忠孝敦化站(步行約 3 分鐘)
Orange Feather Dance Studio
Address: 9F-1, No.209, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
MRT: Zhongxiao Dunhua Station (3 min. by walk)
Orange Feather Dance Studio
地址:台北巿忠孝東路四段 209 號 9 樓之 1。
捷運:忠孝敦化站(步行約 3 分鐘)
GIS MOTC Convention Center -- 5F Hall
Nights: Fri. Sep. 19th International Dancers Milonga & Sat. Sep. 20th Grand Milonga
Address: No.24, Sec.1, Hangzhou South Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
MRT: Dongmen Station (10 min. by walk)
集思交通部國際會議中心 -- 五樓集會堂
場次:9/19(五)國際舞者之夜及 9/20(六)阿根廷之夜暨大師表演
捷運:東門站(步行約 10 分鐘)
The Red House
Event: Sun. Sep. 21st Farewell Milonga
Address: No.10 Chengdu Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
MRT: Ximen Station (3 min. by walk)
捷運:西門站(步行約 3 分鐘)
Tanguísimo Tango Space
Events: Wed. Sep. 17th Warm-Up Milonga & Thu. Sep. 18th Opening Milonga
Address: 7F, No.169, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
MRT: Zhongxiao Dunhua Station (3 min. by walk)
Note: After 9:30 pm, please enter the building from the back door at the alley. Turn left at T.K.K. Fried Chicken and left again at the first alley.
Tanguísimo 探戈藝文沙龍
場次:9/17(三)暖身舞會及 9/18(四)開幕舞會。
捷運:忠孝敦化站(步行 3 分鐘)
備註:晚間 9:30 之後請從大樓後方之入口進入大樓。請於頂呱呱炸雞路口左轉後於第一個巷子再左轉。
Price and Registration -- 價目表及報名
PRICE -- 價目表
English Price Table


Registration for Milongas and Workshops
1. Registration opens on June 27th at 12:30 pm Taipei time (GMT+08:00). We will handle the requests on FCFS basis. Please do not send your request earlier than the registration opens.
2. Fill the registration form (Word | PDF) and send it to
3. If you do not receive confirmation within 3 working days, please resend your registration request.
4. Please make the payment following the instructions stated in the confirmation letter.
Registration for Private Lessons
1. Registration opens on July 9th at 12:30 pm Taipei time (GMT+08:00). We will handle the requests on FCFS basis. Please do not send your request earlier than the registration opens.
2. Send your request to
3. If you do not receive confirmation within 3 working days, please resend your registration request.
4. Please make the payment following the instructions stated in the confirmation letter.
Note on private lessons:
a) Private lessons are only open for those who take at least two workshops from the same masters within the festival.
b) Private lessons are for one couple (a man and a woman) or a single person with both masters.
1. 報名開始時間為6月27日中午 12:30,我們將以報名郵件所列時間先後進行處理。請勿於報名起始時間之前寄送報名表。
2. 請填妥報名表(Word | PDF)後寄送到 。
3. 如果未於三個工作天內接到確認郵件,請重新寄送。
4. 請依照確認郵件之指示完成繳費程序。
1. 報名開始時間為7月9日中午 12:30,我們將以報名郵件所列時間先後進行處理。請勿於報名起始時間之前寄送報名表。
2. 請將需求寄送到 。
3. 如果未於三個工作天內接到確認郵件,請重新寄送。
4. 請依照確認郵件之指示完成繳費程序。
a) 私人課僅開放給至少報名兩堂同一對大師團體課程之學員。
b) 私人課開放對象為一對(一男一女)或單人報名,由一對大師授課。
Travel Information -- 旅行資訊
Eastern Star Hotel
Address: 11F, No. 209, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-87736638 | Fax:+886-2-87736569
The Loft Hostel
Address: 7F, No. 107, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-27526533
Vendome Hotel
Address: 12F, No. 197, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-87710852 | Fax: +886-2-87710857
East Vendome Hotel
Address: 8F, No. 209, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-27117721
Yo Tong Regency
Address: 13F, No. 197, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-27735177 | Fax: +886-2-27727569
San Want Hotel Taipei
Address: No. 172, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-27722121 | Fax: +886-2-27210302
United Hotel
Address: No. 200, Guanfu South Road, Daan District, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-27731515 | Fax: +886-2-27412789
Deja Vu Hotel
Address: No. 136, Sec. 1, Fuxing South Road, Taipei.
Tel: +886-2-27765877 | Fax: +886-2-27213468
電話:(02) 8773-6638
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